We welcome the National Assembly for Wales Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee undertaking an inquiry into Human Rights in Wales.


We note the Terms of Reference for this inquiry and the main issues to be considered.  Whilst we do not offer a response to the specific lines of inquiry, we would not wish to overlook an opportunity to support this inquiry by drawing the Committee’s attention to the following reports with recommendations of governments.


On the 3 June 2016, the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child (UN Committee) issued their Concluding Observations to the U.K. and devolved governments, which set out the ways in which governments can better meet their obligations in respect of implementing the United Nations Convention on the Child (UNCRC) 




The Concluding Observations were informed by the UN Committee’s consideration of the report of the UK and devolved administrations; the reports from civil society organisations and from young people, as well as the oral evidence provided by senior Government officials during the two day inquiry which took place in Geneva on the 23rd & 24th May 2016


These and other complimentary documents submitted to the UN Committee can be accessed on the website of the UN Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner





We are aware that the Committee will receive a number of detailed responses to the specific issues and would wish to offer our support to those which are underpinned from a child rights perspective.


We very much look forward to following the Inquiry with great interest and to the report with recommendations which will emerge.